Invert 2S - Diamond
This bit can be used to cut and remove the tip’s entire product.
Red Baron Tapered - Swiss
The New Red Baron bits fall somewhere in between a mean Green and a Texas tornado for coarseness.
Texas Tornado Barrel Round Top - Swiss
The Round Top Texas Tornado Barrel bit is great for someone who is used to a standard barrel and want to be sure not to harm skin while using the bit.
Swiss Bubble Bit
The Swiss Bubble Bit is used to drill out "bubbles" in the enhancement so you can refill with acrylic for gel for a quick fix.
Z-CARBIDES 2 Week Wheel
The 2 week is used to create a smile line on those nails with 2 or more weeks of growth and thus the 4 week is for 4 or more weeks of regrowth. Z carbides are designed for multi directional...
Bit Sterilizing Container
Efile bit storage with wire and nylon brush attached for cleaning & sharpening.
Securely holds 24 bits
Bit Storage with Bit Cleaners Built In!
Efile bit storage with wire and nylon brush attached for cleaning & sharpening.
Securely holds 24 bits
Swiss Bullet
The bullet does well both underneath and around the cuticle. Medium/Course
Mini Mandrel
Pro Bits® Mini Mandrel 3/32 Shaft -E10SS- for Minil Sanding Band.
Use with Mini Sanding Bands/Arbor Bands. in coarse, medium or fine, all Mini Sanding Bands will fit this mandrel.
Hang 10 Pedicure Bit Set
Introducing The Hang Ten Pedicure Bit Kit! This kit has been thoughtfully curated to include every bit you need to provide an an exceptional pedicure experience. Included are the Orange Crush fine to remove gel polish without damaging the natural...
2LZ-CARBIDE Thin Cone Large
Large Cone The Thin Z-Cone is primarily used under the nail, but has been known to create a nice smile line, while the Large Z-Cone is used under as well as around the cuticle Both the Thin and Large Z-Cones...
Invert 2L - Diamond
This bit can be used to cut and remove the tip’s entire product.
Thin Swiss Cone Bit
GREAT for shaping enhancements and cleaning under the nail.
Large Swiss Football
GREAT for shaping enhancements and reducing thick toenails.
Skin Safe!!!
Small Swiss Football
GREAT for shaping enhancements and reducing thick toenails.
Skin Safe!!!
Swiss Cylinder Bit - Blue Band Course
The cylinder works great for both around the cuticle and underneath the nail
Skin Safe!!!
Z-CARBIDES 4 Week Wheel
The 4 week is used to create a smile line on those nails with 4 or more weeks of growth.
Swiss Round Top Barrel (Blue Band Course)
Great for shaping nails. Rounded top, safe for cuticles.
Swiss Teardrop Bit
The Swiss Bubble Bit is used to drill out "bubbles" in the enhancement so you can refill with acrylic for gel for a quick fix.
Nicole's Bit Kit
A great set that includes bits best for beginners. $125 value.
French Fill Large - Atwood Diamond Bit
The mid-section of the French Fill Diamond Bits is used to create a perfect smile line for pink & white acrylic nails without causing premature lifting or air pockets. The top or bottom portion may be used to take down...
from $27.50