Diamondz Glitters
Diamond Dust Glitter
Not your typical glitter! This highly reflective powder is precisely cut and shaped into perfect microfine 3-d triangular shapes to give the most unique reflection and its super soft… leaves hardly any texture. This is very hard to picture perfectly...
Silver Diamondz Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails!
TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Copper Diamondz Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails! TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Sapphire Diamondz Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails! TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Ruby Diamondz Glitter
Perfect for rock star nails! TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
.25oz pure glitter
Profiles Purple Diamondz Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails! TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Lucky You Confetti Glitter
Perfect Shiny Shamrocks!
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails!
TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Teal Diamondz Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails!
TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Pink Diamondz Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails! TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Wine Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails!
TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Purple Diamondz Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails!
TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Appletini Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails! TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
H. Gunmetal Diamondz Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails! TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Gold Diamondz Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails! TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Wine + Dine Me Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails!
TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Sapphire Hex Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails!
TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
May Flowers Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails! TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Lilac Diamondz Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails! TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
H. Gunmetal Hex Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails! TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.
Teal Hex Glitter
.25oz loose Glitter to encapsulate into your nails. Perfect for rock star nails!
TIP - Use Options Clear as a top coat to eliminate bumps to create perfectly smooth nails without finish filing.